Bajaj Auto is all set to launch the updated Pulsar RS200 in India after nearly a decade, generating excitement among biking enthusiasts. The company recently teased the upcoming model on its social media handles, showcasing a yellow-coloured variant of the sports bike with the caption, ‘The waiting continues.’ The teaser also hints at the tagline ‘MemoRieS Return,’ highlighting the iconic ‘R’ and ‘S’ letters, reinforcing the anticipation for the new launch.
Scheduled for a debut between January 6 and 9, 2025, the updated Pulsar RS200 will feature design elements familiar to its predecessor. The teaser clip reveals its signature twin-pod LED headlights housed within the fully faired front apron. Other prominent design features include a muscular fuel tank, a floating tail section, split seats, a rear tyre hugger, and clip-on handlebars.
While significant design changes are not expected, the 2025 Pulsar RS200 may come with subtle upgrades, such as enhanced features and new colour options. One of the key changes could be the inclusion of upside-down front forks, offering better suspension and handling. A bulkier rear tyre and a sleeker tail section are also likely updates. The model will likely introduce an all-digital instrument cluster, offering modern features like Bluetooth connectivity, turn-by-turn navigation, gear position indication, and real-time fuel economy readings, bringing the RS200 in line with competitors.
The Pulsar RS200’s powertrain is expected to remain largely unchanged. It will most likely continue to be powered by the 199cc, single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine, delivering 24.13 bhp at 9,750 rpm and 1.91 kgm of peak torque at 8,000 rpm, paired with a six-speed gearbox.
Stay with us as we bring you the latest updates on the Bajaj Pulsar RS200.