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Imagine this — you’re out on a holiday somewhere in Himachal Pradesh, or J&K. Now, you’re looking to rent a two-wheeler, and it’s no secret that Royal Enfield is the most-preferred motorcycle brand when it comes to visiting these mountainous states. Recognizing the fact that its motorcycles are highly sought-after in such situations, the motorcycle manufacturer has now come up with a new initiative called Royal Enfield Rentals.

Now you might ask, what is this initiative? Well, as part of this initiative, Royal Enfield has partnered with about forty motorcycle rental operators in order to make renting motorcycles as easy as possible. This service is currently active in twenty-five cities across the subcontinent, with over three hundred motorcycles available for enthusiasts to book for rent right away. 

Royal Enfield says its extended ecosystem already consists of independent mechanics, custom-builders and independent rental operators, and this is a reiterated commitment to working with them.

As mentioned earlier, this facility is available in twenty-five cities across India, which means enthusiasts and wanderlusts from all over the country can now rent a Royal Enfield motorcycle very easily. These cities include Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Dharamshala, Leh, Manali, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Udaipur, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Goa, Kochi, Bhubaneshwar, Thiruvananthapuram, Visakhapatnam, Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Shimla, Nainital, Dehradun, Bir Billing, Siliguri, and Hyderabad. Be it riding in the foothills of the Himalayas, cruising along the coastline, navigating crowded streets, or even just heading out to the beach, Royal Enfield is making sure its motorcycles are available to you as easily as possible.

I guess I should book those Goa tickets then?