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In the vibrant heart of India’s Silicon Valley Bangalore, where the bustling rhythm of innovation harmonizes with the lively symphony of scooters and rickshaws, there exists a space pulsating with a unique energy. It’s not the hurried pace of the city but rather the measured hum of ambition, the confident undertone of those forging something revolutionary. This is the Hangar, the retail and exhibition enclave of Ultraviolette Automotive, a company not merely crafting motorcycles but reshaping the trajectory of mobility’s future in India.

Entering the Hangar feels like stepping into a gateway to a futuristic dreamscape. Clean, contemporary lines define the environment interrupted only by the radiant silhouettes of Ultraviolette’s innovations. The F77, their flagship electric motorcycle, claims the spotlight, its aerodynamic contours whispering promises of speed and exhilaration. Above, screens flicker with the narrative of Ultraviolette’s odyssey, narrating a fusion of passion, technology, and an unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries.

Within this sanctuary of avant-garde design and unyielding ambition, we had the honour of meeting Narayan Subramaniam from Ultraviolette Automotive. Composed energy emanates from him, concealing the fervour that fuels his endeavours. Our conversation uncovered Ultraviolette’s aspirations, extending far beyond the polished exteriors of their motorcycles.

We explored design inspirations derived not just from automotive giants but also from the graceful contours of fighter jets and the powerful elegance of cheetahs. Sustainability emerged as a central theme, evident in every facet of their production process, from locally sourced materials to energy-efficient practices. Crucially, we delved into their venture into motorsports, a natural progression reflecting their desire to stretch the limits of both technology and human prowess.

The Hangar, in essence, transcends being a mere showroom. It stands as a testament to the audacity of dreams, a space where the whispers of a silent revolution materialize. Amidst the gleaming motorcycles, as Niraj’s vision unfolded, and the electric charge of excitement became palpable. This wasn’t solely about motorcycles; it was about reshaping the very essence of mobility, about cultivating a future where performance and sustainability intertwine seamlessly, and where India once again assumes a leading role in the global pursuit of innovation.

In the subsequent exploration, we will peel back the layers of Ultraviolette’s ambition, dissecting its design philosophy, its unwavering dedication to sustainability, and its daring entry into the realm of motorsports. Brace yourself to be astonished, inspired, and witness the genesis of a revolution—not just on two wheels but for the very future of mobility.

Motoring World: We have Narayan Subramaniam from Ultraviolette Automotive. NS, can you tell us about the founding of Ultraviolette and the
the thought process behind it? 

Narayan Subramaniam: Sure. Ultraviolette was founded with a focus on design, tech, and performance in the electric vehicle space. My background as a designer and Neeraj’s background in electronics and computers laid the foundation. We aimed to set a global benchmark for electric vehicles with a strong emphasis on creativity and innovation.

MW: What inspired the choice of motorcycles, particularly the midsegment category? 

NS: The decision to focus on motorcycles in the 300-500cc equivalent range stemmed from our goal to create a product that is not only high on design and tech but also emotionally compelling. We wanted to offer an aspirational product with a core focus on performance.

MW: What were the initial challenges faced during the journey, especially in terms of powertrain development?

NS: The initial challenges revolved around powertrain development, especially for motorcycles. Unlike scooters, the mid-segment category presented unique challenges in terms of motor technology and battery packs capable of high performance while ensuring safety and thermal stability.

MW: Can you share some key achievements or milestones reached during the development phase of the F77?

NS: Achieving thermal stability, consistency in performance, and enhancing range were key milestones for us. We successfully developed a motorcycle that offers top-notch performance and a range of 300 kilometres, surpassing our initial goals.

MW: What is the significance of Ultraviolette Labs, and how does it contribute to the design and innovation process?

NS: Ultraviolette Labs serves as a channel to inspire and communicate the importance of design. We adopt an approach of designing for the ultimate futuristic evolution of a product before figuring out the practical aspects. This culture allows us to explore numerous concepts and ideas before arriving at the final product.

MW: Tell us about the F99 and its focus on racing. What role does motorsports play in Ultraviolette’s vision? 

NS: The F99 is our commitment to racing, as motorsports serve as the best validation and R&D platform for technology and performance. Racing will help us push the boundaries of performance and safety, and it aligns with our goal of being a differentiated global brand.

MW: Looking ahead, what is Ultraviolette’s 5 or 10-year plan? Any aspirations beyond motorcycles?

NS: While the immediate focus is on motorcycles, there’s a long-term interest in exploring disruptive spaces like aviation when financial flexibility allows. The goal is to continue driving innovation and redefining industries.

MW: Personally, what inspires you daily?

NS: My inspiration comes from the world of science fiction and imagining a future that doesn’t exist today. I’m intrigued by the evolution of technology, culture, and society, and my passion lies in contributing towards that vision.

MW: In your downtime, what do you listen to or consume, whether it’s music, podcasts, or other forms of entertainment?

NS: I spend time strategically researching sales and marketing approaches, often delving into historical ways companies disrupted industries. I’m currently drawn to podcasts that discuss creative marketing strategies. As for music, I’m a fan of 90s metal and rock.